Frankarchitecture has always been interested in the the insertion of new architecture in older contexts and how nature can be incorporated in and around buildings.
What excites us is the challenge of interpreting the functional requirements of the design brief to make strong and meaningful connections with the building’s immediate context.
We respond to our Client’s brief, budget and context with enthusiasm and tenacity and bring elegant contemporary design solutions to each project.
Frank Hughes Principal
B. Arch MRIAI Grade III Conservation Architect
Architect Registration Number : 00131 | Member RIAI 2000 | B.Arch UCD Dublin 1987
Expertise | I am an architect with over 30 years’ experience in Ireland , France, the UK , and the West Indies. My skills include the design and design management of diverse project types varying from Urban Design Master Planning , Office Buildings , Shopping Centres, Apartment buildings to private houses. I have much experience working efficiently with both Irish and International multi-disciplinary design teams and project Clients through English and French. My experience ranges from design of individual buildings and their interior Fit Out, to Project Management, leading other design professionals , administering building contracts and collaborating with craftspeople. I have travelled extensively and designed buildings to respond to different climatic , cultural and regulatory environments in Europe, the West Indies and Middle East. My particular interest in contemporary design responses to sensitive historic environments has led me to be involved in a number of high profile heritage projects in Ireland and the Middle East .I was elected to the Board of the Dublin Civic Trust, a charitable Conservation Trust in 2010 where I have assisted with business planning and their APP development for Dublin City and key reports / activities. . Other specific expertise includes the forensic investigation and reporting of completed construction work for the purposes of litigation and aerial photographic survey work. |
Awards |
Shortlist Green Building Awards – Office Building Hatch St Dublin
American Hardwoods Association Irish Joinery Award Innovative– Mimo Restaurant Dublin
Awarded placement on DIT Enterprise Development Programme 15
Winning Competition Team- Archipel – Lycee Leon Gontran Damas Mont Joly French Guyana
Winning Competition Team – Chaix et Morel Paris – Engineering School Paris
Winning Competition Team- Renzo Piano – Kansai Airport Japan
National College of Art and Design – Gradcam Doctorate Programme Contributor to multidiscipline team on PhD doctorate – Creative Cities Doctrine by Tara Byrne.
2010- Present
Pivot Dublin – World Design Capital Bid Website Core Contributor focused on Innovation and Technology- interviews with diverse Innovators
Dublin Civic Trust – Seminars presentedHistoric Shopfront Design as part of Conservation Professional Development Programme /The historic urban core of Limerick and development opportunities and challenges into the future. /Contributor to DCT working report on Thomas Street Dublin and its significance / potential for the capital.
2009-10 –
Dublin Institute of Technology – Guest Lecturer
Conservation Module – Spatial Planning – Urban Design Strategies in sensitive urban environments / Design of Historic 18th Century Mountjoy Square Dublin / Case studies of Contemporary Building Design within Conservation areas. (6)
2007 – Institute of Art , Design and Technology Dun Laoire Dublin – Guest Lecturer
Multi Media Course –Visual Communications – Case studies in use of Computer modelling for Architectural Design Development and Presentation . (1)
2010 – 2012
Board Member of Dublin Civic Trust– Conservation charity
2000- Present
Member of Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland