Tag Archives: FMC

Music Innovation -FMC Interview

First Music Contact leads innovation within the music industry from the ground up

Interview with Angela Dorgan CEO FMC

©Frank Hughes – originally posted in pivotdublin blog 2010

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What is First Music Contact and why is it innovative ?

First Music Contact is a free information and advice service for bands and the independent music sector in Ireland.

We deliver  a number of projects  to sector for artists at all levels of their career. The artists retain  full control over their own destiny, developing their profile , music and degree of exposure to the wider industry.

Breaking Tunes …………….. is an online music protal that hosts the individual profile of over 2000 irish bands and musicians. . The artists develop their own profile with music , giglistings,video etc. it is then available for Music Industry professionals, the general public and other artists to listen and enjoy. We also have a breakingtunes app which is free


Hard Working Class Heroes      This annual showcase provides opportunities for bands to submit their music to an international panel of judges for selection to play at the event which features 100 new artists performing in 6 venues over three days in October. FMC is active all over the world and refreshes  its judging panel each year to reflect evolving trends within the industry.


Youtube link sample of what we do    http://www.youtube.com/hwch2010

Events ……………. FMC facilitates a number of events , talks and collaborations each year introducing musicians to potential partners in film, animation, advertising, and promotes music from Ireland via worldwide festivals and showcase opportuinities.

FMC uses the Web and word of mouth as its communication channels and more recently Apple App for Breaking Tunes. However the key components to its success are its highly motivated artists  and the trust developed over the last 10 years .


Music From Ireland  is fmc’s international  project where in partnership with Culture ireland and IMRO we look after Irish acts at 7 international music showcases.


  1. What drives its founders and how did they identify the specific opportunity in this sector?

Founder is driven by the knowledge that not all wheels have to be re-invented and that Ireland has amazing talent, it just needed a bit more focus.

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How important is technology within the start up music sector and how does it help aspiring musicians?

It gives them access to audiences within the music industry , access to fans and also access to creative opportunities.

  1. How do you manage the issue for sustained quality of content from FMC Musicians?

We don’t . The musicians do it themselves through their own hard work. If they work really hard to fine tune their music and profile , it shows and opportunities come their way. .

  1. What are the most surprising characteristics you find in young talented musicians?

Stayaroundability , innovation, Collective releases, being able to see the globe as one territory.

  1. What type of different collaborations between musicians and other sectors is FMC to promoting ?

Film, advertising, radio and television drama, animation, storytelling, …..

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What is the typical profile of people using the FMC platform and how do they hear about it?

They all hear about it initially through word of mouth. Everyone uses us, fans , bands and industry, local and international.

  1. How have your views on the nature of Design changed as FMC evolved?

I never thought about how we delivered and resourced our sector in terms of design but I now see how innovative Breaking Tunes is in terms of its design . At the time we just saw it as a simple and straightforward  solution to the problem  of accessibility.

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What lessons can FMC offer to the wider entrepreneurial community ?

Bottom up is always more sustainable than top down.

  1. What are you currently working on?

We have just released our breakingtunes App for iPhone , have 13 acts preparing for Canadian Music Week,  http://www.cmw.net  and 19 preparing for SXSW http://sxsw.com

We have Today Fm  and  RTE 2Fm at SXSW, We are the spotlight country at the Great Escape in May and then have the FMC tour in June.

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